============================================================================================ Title : Superposition Filename : mksuper.BSP Version : 17th August 1998 Author : Martin Kilcoyne E-mail : martin8@clara.net Web Site : http://www.martin8.clara.net Contains my other Quake II maps, skins and a few prefabs. Submit your maps here too. Description : This is the third Quake II map I have published but I have made more than three different maps, it's just that I didnt think the others were good enough to publish. It is simple in design but I believe it plays superbly :) The map consists of three rooms connected by corridoors. As the title suggests, the key to success in this map is to gain a higher position. I have placed the best weapons in higher places. To prevent domination by the preson who gets to the power weapons first I have placed the ammo for them quite a distance from the actual weapon. Hand grenades are a handy weapon on this map too, as there are a number of locations where you can easily bomb your opponents from above. In one of the rooms there is a simple lava trap in the form of a retractable bridge, activated by the button on the balcony (I love traps in my maps, they're really satisfying when used successfully). The map is small so confrontations are frequent, the chore of having to hunt around for extended periods of time is eliminated in this map. Generally the map is fast and frantic, but there are some good sniping positions and I believe the map is also great for "1 on 1" and "2 on 2" as well as "Free For All" deathmatch. I finally got areaportals working consistanly in this map :) so the r_speeds are low (maximum about 600, average about 150-200). ************************ By the way if you run or know of any server running this map then please e-mail me (martin8@clara.net). N.B. (Eraser users only): I have also included a route table in the ZIP. This is to save you having to wander around for ten minutes or so to create one. To use it just unzip the file "mksuper.RTZ" into your "quake2/eraser/routes" directory BEFORE you load the level for the first time, and the bots will be intelligent immediately. Other Stuff by Author : Levels: The Arena (regular deathmatch version) [arena.BSP] (Available from my web The Arena (CTF version) [arenactf.BSP] site) The Arena (conference version) [arenaconf.BSP] Another Warehouse Level [mkwhouse.BSP] (available from ftp://cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/quake2 as well as from my website) Skins: Captain Jean Luc Picard [picard.PCX] Lieutennant Commander William Riker [riker.PCX] Lieutennant Commander Geordi La Forge [geordi.PCX] Lieutennant Worf [worf.PCX] Doctor Beverly Crusher [crusher.PCX] Duke Nukem [duke.PCX] Max (combat pants and Sepultura T-shirt) [max.PCX] Houston Rockets (basketball uniform) [rockets.PCX] ============================================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake II Single Player : Just to check out weapon placements etc. Deathmatch : Yes. 13 spawns. Difficulty Settings : No. New Sounds : No. New Graphics : No. Demos Replaced : No. * Construction * Base : New map from scratch. Build Time : About 15 hours in 2 days. Brush Count : 1070 (of which 313 are entities) Compile Machine : Pentium 166 MMX, 32 Mb RAM, 4 Mb Righteous 3D 3DFX Card. Compile Time : Aproximately 2 hours. Editor(s) Used : QERadiant 072 (powerful yet easy to use). Known Bugs : None. E-mail me if you find any (martin8@clara.net). * How To Use This Level * Unzip the file "mksuper.bsp" into your "quake2/baseq2/maps" directory. Start up Quake II and bring up the console then type "map mksuper". * Additional Credits * Obviously, all credit to id for creating the Quake II phenomenon. Also to Robert Duffy for QERadiant; a class level editor. My appreciation to Ryan Feltrin, creator of the most excellent Eraser Bot; a superb piece of programming. Thanks to my mate Gareth Briggs and my cousin Paul Lees who downloaded QERadiant and the Eraser Bot for me before I got my internet connection. Credit to HEADSHOT; it was his wicked map "Wasted" (get it from "ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/quake2/levels/deathmatch/" which inspired me to make another deathmatch map. * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. ======================================================================================MK98==