February 10, 1998 ================================================================ Title : OMI-DM1 Filename : omi-dm1.bsp Authors : Brian Zoetewey (Omicron7) Email Address : omicron7@dimensional.com Description : Deathmatch level for Quake 2. Additional thanks to : id Software Nate "MacLean" Miller and David Corbett (Enchanted) for testing out the level SawBones for helping out with the weapon placement. ================================================================ ---------------Play Information---------- Level Name : Circular Death Single : Absolutely worthless except for a few corpses lying around which can be gibbed. Quake2 DM 2-8 players : A blast for any number, best with 6 to 8... Would love to try it with more... Comments : This is the fist Quake2 map I've ever done. I believe that these kind of maps should be ultimate in DM fun. I hope to build some more like it. ---------------Construction--------------- Base : built from scratch Build Time : 5 hours. ------------------------------------------ Editor(s) used : QOOLE. Known Bugs : There are some warnings with the teleporters but they work just fine anyways. Also some error that "Wad is not a field" or some thing like that. ---------------Legal Stuff---------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation, or sell it in ANY way, shape or form. Contact me to arrange something to the contrary. **** Where to get this BSP **** ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/quake2/levels/deathmatch/ ----INSTALLATION---- Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of baseq2 called maps, (ie c:\quake2\baseq2\maps) Then run quake2. Go into the console by pressing the tilde key (~), and type in "map omi-dm1". -------------------- Please email me with any suggestions for playability or any other comments.