================================================================ Title : Gotcha's Arena of POOM Filename : poom.bsp Author : Dustin "Gotcha1" Yates Email Address : dyates@2xtreme.net ICQ UIN : 1950987 Description : A whack level made in a few days after testing and trying stuff. I wanted to build a big warehouse type level (really tall but narrow), but I got tired of that so i began making a maze type thing. It really isn't a maze, but more of seeing whether my mind was capable of building anything in 3D. Go ahead and tell me if you ever contact me how it sucks and everything. It was my first effort and I won't do so crappy next time, I am a freaking newbie so gimme a break damnit. Additional Credits to : ID Software for making a cool game, Quake2 Next time, don't rush to release crap though, fix bugs before you release, aka look before you leap. THANKS TO MY BUDDY «The ®èѪg@ÐE» (The Renagade) for helping me with my first map. Notes : MY FIRST MAP, brushes are not very well aligned, I did everything to the best of my current abilities. Thanks for even looking at this map since you obviously have this readme.txt errrr....... ummmm........... I mean poom.txt. Also, this map will work just fine with ERASER BOTS (http://impact.frag.com), I have tested and played against them with this map and fixed some of their problems, so they move around fairly on this map. ================================================================ * Instructions * Simply put the file "poom.bsp" into your "quake2/baseq2/maps" folder. If there is no "maps" folder, make one, any maps you get should go here.... * Play Information * Single Player : It works, but how is a DM map for single player!?!? Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes 3Wave CTF : Not even out yet (DUH!!!!!) CD Track : NONE (easy to add though) * Construction Information * Starting build : scratch building machine : Pentium 133 mhz / 48 MB ram / small 14" monitor Last Revision : February 6, 1998 Not final...brushes still being a pain. Editors I used : Death Match Maker 2 (for me, the newbie) GLQoole (shareware) Time wasted on map : 3 days for first, 2 days for current state of map * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. I don't care if you even give me credit for my level anyways. I am just building this to give me something to do. POOM.BSP may be distributed over any means (Internet, disk, zip, jaz, intranet, lan, wan, serial, parallel, reciptor, cd-rom, dvd-rom, dvd-ram, writable cd-rom, you get the picture..) except through means of commercial releases, as in things that cost money. DO NOT PUT THIS CRAPPY MAP ON A CD THAT COSTS MONEY OF ANY KIND, IN ANY CURRENCY!!! ONLY MAGAZINE shiznit can use map and maybe others.