================================================================ Title : The Abandoned Base Date : 09/19/98 Filename : q1xdm3.bsp Author : Joe Wojciechowski Email Address : General_nuke@yahoo.com Description : A remake of the best dm level for quake! When quake2 came out and : I saw all of the remakes popping up I never saw a true remake of : dm3, so here ya go! Now go grab a fucking railgun and start : Gibbing! Additional Credits to : id software, and of course DaTa for doing the scructure for this : map! Without him this level wouldnt have been an exact remake of : Dm3 :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No. Deathmatch : Yes, 2-8 players. (4 people is best) Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : Conversion. some Q2 textures and some quake textures! Editor(s) used : Qoole and a tad of worldcraft Known Bugs : None. email if ya find any :) Build Time : few weeks. compiled it about 10 times to get the lighting right Textures used : some quake2 textures and also some quake1 textures. " see other : info" Compile machine : Pentium II 300 with 160 megs QBSP Time : 12 sec QVIS Time (-level 4) : 234 sec QRAD Time (-extra) : 1058 sec Brushes : forgot to check Entities : forgot to check * Other Info * 1) This level is in a pak file instead of just sending the textures with it. You know the deal rename the pak to whatever number is next and throw it in the baseq2 dir. Then type map q1xdm3 in the console. If anybody has any trouble at all with this map or has comments etc. please feel free to email me. 2) I also plan to do a few of the other quake dm maps! dm4 the bad place is next! 3) Also if anyone out there in quake land has a map file of e1m2 or Gloom Keep, please send it to me. I am very interested in converting both those levels into q2 levels. I think gloom keep was the best quake level ever made and I plan to do a remake of it for Q3 when comes out, but if I can get my hands on a map file of it I will do a Q2 verison of it as well! You reading this ID Software :) * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) 1998 Joe Wojciechowski You not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.