================================================================ Title : DM2 for Quake2 {ClostrophonyX} Filename : q2dm2D Orginal Author : ID SOFTWARE Modified & Converted by : Tony Bowler (OnyX) Email Address : tbowler@powerup.com.au Clan Affiliation : Clan Carnage Description : My faverout dm map, reproduced brick by brick, : There's nothing new,different or original, : I tried to keep it as close as I could to the : original in an atempt to recapture the dm2 experience : experience in Q2. : This version has 2 RL's and a chaingun, q2dm2C has : one RL, a railgun and a machine gun. Additional Credits to : ID for so many great games, : Pheonix, Mass and Elmo for thechnical advice:-) : Slaanesh for his artistic input All the helpfull : people on the Q2 map editing mailing list, and : clan Carnage for the extensive playtesting. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : If you want Cooperative : No Deathmatch : That's what were here for. 3Wave CTF : No * Construction * Base : From Scratch.. Remake of DM2. Finish Date : 23/01/98 Version : 3.0 Editor(s) used : QERadiant and Worldcraft Known Bugs : If u open the big lava floor and go through the teleporter you don't fall in to tha lava cos of the tele pad thingy, If you know how to make a teleporter destination without the pad I'd love to know. Build Time : A week and a half of late nights. QBSP3 Time : 57 seconds QVIS3 Time : 257 seconds QRAD3 Time : 1078 seconds (-bounce 1 cos I like the shadows, they have a purpose:) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.