================================================================ Title : Fortress Date : 03/29/98 Filename : Q2fortress.bsp Author : Joe Wojciechowski Email Address : General_nuke@msn.com Description : A remake of a quake level that was great for one on one. : This was my all time favorite level for quake. Additional Credits to : id software, and Bobafett for all his friggin harrassment for nagging me on finishing the level. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No. Deathmatch : Yes, 2-4 players. (1 on 1 is best) Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : Conversion. different textures though. Editor(s) used : Qoole Known Bugs : None. Build Time : few weeks. compiled it about 10 times to get the lighting right Textures used : some quake2 textures and also some quake1 textures. " see other info " Compile machine : Pentium II 300 with 160 megs QBSP Time : 36 sec QVIS Time (-level 4) : 17762 sec QRAD Time (-extra) : 2196 sec Brushes : forgot to check Entities : forgot to check * Other Info * 1) The Fortress folder contains the 4 quake1 textures I put into the map. Just copy the folder into the baseq2/textures directory. 2) I am also working on a modified version of this level to better fit q2. it will include all the weapons and a kick ass trap. 3) Also if anyone out there in quake land has a map file of e1m2 or Gloom Keep, please send it to me. I am very interested in converting both those levels into q2 levels. * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) 1998 Joe Wojciechowski You not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.