================================================================ Title : playhouse Date : 8/6/98 Filename : plhouse.bsp (pak8.pak) Author : mats holm Email Address : mats.holm@mbox307.swipnet.se Home Page : nej Description : a very open quake2-deathmatch level, easy to learn, and easy to play... just like i wanted it to be. try to find the bfg... itīs in a hot place. i chosed to put the level in a pak-file because there are some new sounds added. credits : my english-swedish translator, (needed for this txt) ID, for a great game. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Deathmatch : yes 2-64 Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole Known Bugs : this level is built for fast computers with 3d-cards, sorry... but i need open areas around me. (a disease..) Build Time : when there was some time over Compile machine : p300 96 ram 3dfxcard QBSP Time : ? QVIS Time (level 4) : ? QRAD Time (extra) : ? over 2 hours * Permissions * You MAY NOT alter or add to this level without my permission.