QUAKE II - DM ==================================================================== Sunday Aril 25, 1999 ==================================================================== Title : Twist of Pain Filename : Q2TOP.bsp File Size : 597 KB (254 KB zipped) Author : Dean Michaud (Karnatos/Karny) Email Address : michaud@corvuscorax.org (feedback is welcome) Home: : http://www.corvuscorax.org/~michaud Map Description : Deathmatch for 4-10 people. ==================================================================== Off the top of my head : Well, I have learned a lot in these last months regarding map making - an ever ongoing task for me since I only do this in my spare time, which there is little of. Colored lighting in this map is much more tame than in my past maps - when I was mapping blindly without any hardware acceleration. I spent many hours on architecture, and ensuring that the map flows from area to area. The map has a couple of open area, great for duking it out, and hallways just long enough you can get a really wicked railshot in... This should please players that like both styles, open, and confined area matches. - Karnatos (Dean) ==================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : To look around the level only Deathmatch : Yes (2 - 10 players) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Track No. : 5 ==================================================================== Build Time : ~15min Compile Machine : P2-353, 128 RAM Known Bugs : None Known ==================================================================== Other Levels by Karnatos: Twisting Hallways (q2dmtwst.bsp) Panic Stricken (q2dmstrk.bsp) Landing Pad (q2dmland.bsp) ==================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. This map, Q2TOP.bsp is (c) by Dean Michaud, 1998. This .BSP is not to be used as a base to make additional levels. Do not distribute this .BSP as a commercial product without my permission. This .BSP may be distributed freely over the internet as long as the included .TXT file is not altered or removed.