================================================================ Title : Return_Dm1 Date : March 15, 1998 Filename : returner_dm1.bsp Author : Vikram "Returner" Thanki Email Address : returner@erols.com Description : This is the first level that I've been satisfied enough with to upload. It's designed for no more than 8 players. Well, I hope you enjoy it. Send feedback to the email above, but keep it focused on the map. If you say it stinks (this is a PG-rated text file :-), I want to know WHY it stinks; what do you want fixed or removed? What do you like or not like? What do you want added? Remember this is my first map! Additional Credits to : ID Software for Quake 2 Yahn Bernier, for the BSP editor (it r0x0rs!) Caffeine (without which...) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Look around and admire my work :-) Deathmatch : Yes. It's designed for 4-8 players. Any more and it just gets too crowded. Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BSP Known Bugs : None, other than that the r_speeds get kinda high in Software mode. Build Time : About a week Textures used : The regular set from Quake 2 Compile machine : P300 with 64MB RAM and a Pure3D. I've also tested it on a P200 with 32MB RAM (r_speeds got a bit high on that one). QBSP Time : 18 sec QVIS Time (level 4) : 39 sec QRAD Time (extra) : 391 sec Brushes : 540 Entities : 150-some * Copyright / Permissions and Disclaimer * 1. Vikram "Returner" Thanki (hereafter referred to as the "Author") assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from using this map. Period. 2. This level is NOT made or supported by ID Software. 3. No people were harmed in the making of this map. Unless you count the three that got heat stroke in the lava room... 4. You MAY NOT put this level on a disk or CD that is sold for a profit. You also may not include this level in a commercial or shareware TC. If you're from Actura Software, come here and look at this. Yes, right down the barrel of this gun... PSHOOM! (Sound of Actura guy getting gibbed by my Railgun) 5. If you want to include this map in a NON-COMMERCIAL TC or PC, contact the Author at the above e-mail address, and send me a copy of the entity specifications and/or textures, and I will code a special version designed for the T/PC. 6. You MAY distribue this over the Internet, as long as you include this text file in its unedited entirety. If you edit this file or omit it, you WILL get a rail to the head from me! Not only that, but you will respawn in lava... again and again and again... so don't try it! 7. You MAY NOT include this level on a CD that is included with a computer magazine without the Author's prior consent. It's not exactly that I mind (I'll just say yes to a request), but I would like to know about it. 8. By running this level, you agree to be bound by the above outlined terms. If you do not agree to the terms, delete the level.