Tuesday, December 6, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Shake ]I[ Filename : shake3.bsp Author : Daniel Rammelt [s_slimer] Author Email Address : danr@es.co.nz Author URL : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/9694/ Quake Clan : N/A Clan Url : N/A Description : A continuation of the Shake Series [Shake 1 = Doom2, Shake 2 = Quake] This uses a similar flow design to the others, but adds in some new cool stuff. Made for the smallish [4+] LAN sessions me and my friends have, its made for fast paced action and looks real pretty on 3dFX! :) Just one secret bit for BFG, all other weapons apart from HyperBlaster and GrenadeLauncher, they just didnt work well with the level. Additional Credits to : Steve Fukuda for QE4 Radiant, ID cause theyre funky! ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : yeah right! no! Cooperative : Nope Deathmatch : YEAH Bitchin! Capture the Flag : No!!! Difficulty Settings : Nope New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : Nope New Music : Was going to but that requires a gamex86 addon Demos Replaced : Nope * Construction * Base : Scratch. Editor(s) used : QE4 Radiant, build 031 Known Bugs : Couple of miss aligned textures Build Time : About 20 hours Texture Wad used : just ID's ones Compile machine : k6 233, 32mb, 4.3gb hdd, win95 QBSP3 Time : 21s QVIS3 Time : 738s QRAD3 Time : 1019s - extra sampling Brushes : 1287 Entities : 89 * Copyright / Permissions * You _may_ put this level on any FTP/WWW site or BBS, but _not_ on anything resembling a CD / FLOPPY for distribution without my permission in advance! (c) MetaMorph Productions 1998