Quake 2 Map: "Escape the Shellshock" ***shellshock.bsp*** Author: Stu "Fack" Matheson Editor: QERadiant Build 147 BSP name: shellshock.bsp Map name: Escape the Shellshock Email: fack@cgocable.net Thanks: R. Duffy (QERadiant), idSoftware (Quake2) Beta Testers: Arick, Dr.Evil, Chenjesu and Wargod. ***Map Info*** Deathmatch: Yes SinglePlayer: No CooP: No Construction: QERadiant build 147 Construction Time: About 1-2 weeks. Known Bugs: None ***Other Utilities Used*** arghrad 2.01: Thanks to Tim Wright for "curves". gddqbsp3: Geoffrey Dewan versions of both qbsp3 & qvis3 gddqvis3: solved a nasty hall of mirrors for me. ***Authors Note*** Best played as a 1v1 dm map, although up to a 4 player free-for-all is very possible. I consider this to be my best map so far in my career. My only previous release was fackra2 (ra2map26). And based on that, I think I've come along way In both architecture and gameplay in this map alone. Enjoy. Also to all playtesters, I made one minor update after we playtested, so unfortunately you have to download the map again. ***Legal Stuff*** This level is by Stu Matheson 1999. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this .bsp through any electronic network (internet, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. fack@cgocable.net