Released January 28, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------- Deathmatch level for Quake II with single run-thru support SPACEPORT 147 Map title : Spaceport 147 File name : space147.bsp (extracted from zip file) Author : M.C. Net : SideWinderNCM Email : Net Chat : The Force server #94 Kali, The Force Chat The Lost World server #153 Kali Credits : ID Software, Armin Rigo, Tim Wright, Tanguy Gilmont Aditional Credits : The following contributed to the making of this map from map ideas to final testing; (net nics) GlennD, Gilgareth ò¿ó, Will, Raven, The_Emporer, Beatstick, Sux2BU, Uzolas, Lost& Confused, DireWolf, KennyDee, Jaffo, and others at The Force, and author of prefab shuttle. (modified with textures and engine core/lights by me) :) Game pix : shot of author during test phase taken by DireWolf file SideWinderNCM.bmp Special thanks : (net nics) Odoital, who told santa to bring me a new video card!!! :))) Will, for sending a King Cake. Lost&Confused, for setting up a server to run this level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Specifics; Master map file format : .qkm/.map Editor used : QuArK 5.3 Quake Army Knife Build time : long time Compilers used : TXQBSP3/QVIS3/ARGHRAD Compile time : Too freaking long!! New Textures : None New Sounds : None Map type : Deathmatch/single player runthru Max No. Players : 12 Difficulty : Worldspawn set to hard Next map setting : None DM Spawn Points : 5 Single run-thru spawn point : 1 --------------------------------------------------------- Author can's and can't do's Authors MAY NOT use this level to create levels and or mod's based upon this work. This level may only be copied or distributed in its ORIGINAL ZIP FILE ARCHIVE INCLUDING the spaceport 147 added text file, this file. Authors MAY NOT EDIT THE ENTITIES already compiled into this map. Doing such destroys the purpose of entities already placed for map layout and intention. Respect the many hours people put into their maps and dont go astray!!! ---------------------------------------------------------- LAN networks; Home based LAN testing courtesy of KennyDee and Jaffo. ---------------------------------------------------------- Where to get this map; Questions and comments to the email addy above Where to find author; SideWinderNCM at The Force server #94, Kali or Lost&Confused's server, The Lost World server#153 Kali Other map notes; Because of the map layout and visual complexity of the map to the game engine, low end machines and vid cards will experience game lag. recommended systems are; min- p233 w/128mb mem fps--28 med- p266 w/128mb mem voodoo fusion --38fps rec- p2/300 or better 128mb mem TNT --40fps fps dependent on machine/vid card and connect conditions Single run-thru provided to see level without the need of running multiplayer mode. No monsters are present in the single run-thru. --------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= CNCN News Center, USMC Field Report Office of Public Relations Security Code Omega 1 NEWS RELEASE Public Domain Spaceport 147, the only remaining USMC installation to orbit Stroggos, has been our most important launching point in the battle against the Strogg. Used as a rearm and refit dock, it was at the heart of operations in field support for our forces. By order of the USMC Space Command, the base has been declared a historical monument and has been open for tourism. For weeks the site has been peacefull and many visitors travel there to see the view of the Stroggs Homeworld. Now the base has been the site for some very odd and unusual behavior. Details are sketchy, but reports comming in from field ops say explosions from rocket fire and crys for mercy have been taking place on the base late into evening and early morning hours. Medi-Vac Shuttles are constantly being re-routed to the base to attend to the wounded and the dead. A few slip and fall out of the base protective atmosphere shield and plumit to an instant death, while others are heard screaming, "YOU SORRY.."(beep). New reports comming in from field ops now indicate regular Medi-Vac Shuttle flights to and from the base. Almost every hour, and usually loaded to capacity with filled body bags. Authorities are still baffeld as to the reasons why such activity is taking place on the base. All who intend to travel to Spaceport 147 are advised caution and to stay alert!!.......and watch your step!!! ;) ======================================================================(_!_)