================================================================ Title : Spasmolytic Eight: A Crossing of Solipsisms Filename : Spasmo8 Author : JWS Email Address : jshaw@mail.microserve.net Description : Small Q2 DM map. A remake of a Q1 map of : mine. The blue stuff aint water -- at least : not drinkable water. : : Note: the title comes from a Thomas Pynchon : novel called Gravity's Rainbow. Yes, it is : *the* best novel. (See below for full quote.) : : BTW, while I'm at it, the word Spasmolytic : comes fram a Skinny Puppy song. And, yes, it is : is *the* best song. Additional Credits to : ID Software, Yahn Bernier for BSP, Thomas Pynchon. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative : no Deathmatch : yes, 2 to 4 * Construction * Base : original Editor(s) used : BSP latest version. Known Bugs : none Build Time : few days QBSP3 Time : dunno QVIS3 Time : dunno QRAD3 Time : dunno * Others by author * Cloister series for Quake. Spasmolytic series for Q2. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY do whatever they want in life. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission AND that of Id Software. ******************************************************************* **FULL QUOTE** Well. What happens when paranoid meets paranoid? A crossing of solipsisms. Clearly. The two patterns create a third: a moire', a new world of flowing shadows, interferences. . . . --Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow