================================================================ Title : Abandoned Spaceship Filename : sshipdm.bsp Author : Juha Sorensen AKA "DemOSh" Email Address : demosh@battle-zone.com Description : Deathmatch on a abandoned spaceship. Quite big, I would reccomend a max of 8 players although with weapons stay on it could probably support up to 16. All weapons are there, with a lot of ammo to go around. Additional Credits to : id software my ex-clannie CableGuy! and his clan for playtesting my clan (SpringDemons), also for playtesting Other Levels by Author : This is my first released level ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Nope, other than to check it out Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Hell yeah! Difficulty Settings : n/a New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BSP with a dab of QeRadiant Known Bugs : None as far as I know, plz report any Build Time : Maybe 100 hours over 4 months Texture Wad used : Q2 Textures Compile machine : Pentium 200MMX with 80mb RAM ================================================================ * Installation * Extract everything into quake2\baseq2\maps, drop to console and type 'map sshipdm' (no quotes) ================================================================ * Legal crap * Only to be distributed free of charge. If you payed for this level youve been ripped. Not to be altered in any way without written permission from the author. If you would like to put this level in a level pack to sell it, contact me first!