============================================================================================ Title : Vertical Progression Filename : strkdm1.bsp Author : Iain McGinniss (AKA >>>STRYKER) Email Address : iain.mcginniss@virgin.net Description : My first Quake II DM Map. It is an arena style map, with many original designs and lights. Additional Credits to : ID! stecki, for his awesome "snow2" environment map that I use. Give him money! (stecki@frag.com) Steven MacKenzie (aka HyStErIKILL!), Paul Hill (aka XeoroX), Graham Chandler (aka Cilkie), Graham Jones (aka Incision), Peter Ibrahim (aka Summoner), Robert Heeley (aka -=CHAOS=-), Robert Devine (aka Fecksekutionar), Karl Hodges (aka Liberty); for additional level testing Robert A. Duffy, for QERadiant The Ravages of Radiant Site (www.planetquake.com/ravage) Planetquake!! (www.planetquake.com) Notes : I have done a lot of map editing before, but mainly for my programming project POWERBASE (http://freespace.virgin.net/john.mcginniss/) but never for a true DM map. So excuse this if you think it is crap... It has been inspired by ID's Warehouse level, my favourite level. I loved its multi-dimensional combat, where you could be shot from almost any angle. I wanted to make a map comparable to this but optimised for dueling. It has 5 floors in a very compact structure. Admittedly, the texturing is VERY simple, using only about 10 in the whole level. I am relying on my "unique" lighting styles to bring the level to life. I am not too sure whether or not the map is TOO colourful, but in my opinion it works very well. So what are you waiting for? PLAY IT NOW! Oh yeah, find the superhealth, I've hidden it... ============================================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : For the curious only Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes, 2-4 players (preferrably 2) 3Wave CTF : No CD Track : None * Components * BSP : YES (of course) SOUNDS : NO ENVIRONMENT MAP : YES, SNOW2 by stecki MODELS : NO DLL : NO * Construction * Base : From scratch, ripping other people's maps is lame Finish Date : January 10th, 1999 Version : 1 Editor(s) used : QERadiant by Patrick A. Duffy Known Bugs : None really. I would have liked to have proper texturing, but I'm too lazy to trail through the 1000s of textures in quake 2 just to make the level look a bit better. I mean c'mon, do you say "oh my god, look at this wonderful texturing" while trying to avoid the rockets flying at you from your'e opposition? Build Time : 4 days creation, 60 mins compile. QBSP3 Time : 10 secs QVIS3 Time : 1030-1400 seconds, not quite sure QRAD3 Time : 2194 seconds -extra, I thought this was weird because usually vis takes longer, yes? * How to Use * Unzip the .zip file to your quake2\baseq2 directory. Then load quake 2 and type "map strkdm1". It will then load the map. Enjoy! * Copyright / Permissions * You can use this map as a base if you so wish, but remember to put me in the credits or I wont be a "happy bunny" (to quote Graham Chandler :)). If you want to place this on a compilation CD, ASK ME FIRST GOD DAMMIT! Thankyou.