08/19/1998 ================================================================ Title : The Base Filename : thebase.bsp Author : Chris Ward E-mail : krice@pkd.org Description : - Quake II deathmatch level. - This level was created for the Q2 mod PredatorDM: www.telefragged.com/predatordm - This version of the map is a prerelease of q2pdm5. The version that will be released along with the PredatorDM pak will only differ from The Base in that it will be called q2pdm5 and will contain the entities that the pDM mod uses. This level will NOT be compatible with the pDM mod, and is NOT interchangeable with q2pdm5. The Base is just a regular Q2 dm level, and is for all us core dm'ers that can't stand speical entities, hooks and runes. :P - The Base has *NO* bfg, power armor, or invunerability. It's got 2 RLs for some rl balance, 1 quad(accessible by hidden teleport or double rl jump), 1 megahealth, 2 armors(1R,1Y), 1 pack, the silencer & bandolier(2 items i've never seen in id's dm levels, so there they are), and all the other weapons, minus the bfg of course. Oh, and you don't need to rl jump to get to the top of the tank for the 2 rocket packs. - The rotating spiral staricase is something that I've never come across in any 3D game. It's tough to get up it at first, but after you try it a couple times it'll get easier. Once you learn how to mouse up it, you should be able to ascend the 3 floors it spans _really_ fast. If you can't get up it, sit up top on the 3rd floor and watch it go around, woooo. - If you've got any questions, comments, or suggestions, just e-mail me. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes (couple monsters, including Makron) Cooperative : Sure, why not beat up on Makron with a friend Deathmatch : um, Yes!, 13 dm starts Player load : 8-10 easily, possibly up to 12-16 Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole v2.50 Build Time : 3 weeks for the architecture, another week for tweaking/entity placement/weapon balancing. Notes : I was going to include full support for single play, ie monsters, but qoole was acting sketchy when I started dropping monsters in. It kept bombing out the level. I wasted 2 days trying to properly place monsters, without qoole freaking. In the end I scrapped full single player support. If I had the time I'd try to get qoole to accept monsters into my level without spazzing, but I don't. There are a few monsters in there to kill, not much tho. I fought with qoole over putting Makron in without it screwing my level up becuz it's just such an underappreciated model. Compile times : qbsp - 32 seconds. (p2 400 w/64M ram) qvis - ~6 hours. qrad - ~1 hour. (-extra, -bounce 40) ================================================================= * Credits / Thanks * -Mr. John Carmack for creating games that look amazing, and play/control just as amazingly. -id Software. -id Software. -id Software. -Tim Willits for creating some awesome quake1&2 DM levels. -The Qoole team, Matt Ayres & Paul Hsu. -The pDM team for letting me release this map early, and Jay for figuring out map errors with me. www.telefragged.com/predatordm -Finally, Alex for letting me work on his p2 400 all day long, HUGENORMOUS thanks for that! ================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation etc., as long as you: 1. Contact me, Chris Ward, and get my permission BEFORE distributing it. 2. Include BOTH this text file UNMODIFIED, and the ORIGINAL, UNMODIFIED bsp file and give me 100% total credit. Once again, if you've got any questions, comments, or suggestions just send me some mail. -chris krice@pkd.org