Deathmatch 3rd version of bungholiodrome File size 461k zip file Constructed by Ed Sulikowski in 4 days Tp*For*Bunghole in QUAKE and QUAKE2 got the idea of it from a hardcover book on forts Server ops**** sv_gravity is kinda kewel at 500 for this level hehehe I am Cornholio....I have no bunghole.... 1 Quake2 level for my friend Punk ass Bitch A server op for a quake2 superheroes server in florida Set your gamespy hit engine to look for keyword sphincter in server name Credits too qoole I didnt do anything with CSG or fancy textures and lighting. But I did learn a lot of the functions of qoole. There are a lot of em. compilers used : qvis3,qbsp3,qrad3 qrad 3 borked me in like the 12 th hour of compiling so I went to command line with some of the tone down options. qrad3 took like 2 hours<8319 direct lights??Now I know how to get lights to do whatever> bsp3 took like 20-30 seconds and qvis3 took 6785 seconds On a p200 mmx 32 meg. ram Tp*For*Bunghole endorses the following: music that doesnt suck Chicks that let you score logitech 4 button hefty-mouse The Ez-WidEr company Joe Camel Tom's River N.J. women >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>better than an isp that sends you spam,then disengages you from service ===========For saying WTF in one of their isp related newsgroups,and saying that in > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>3 year's cable-modems might kill or make a serious dent in an MODEM ISP >>>>>>>>>>>>>bottom line..GEE what were they thinking legal disclaimer You may not use this for profit