February 13, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Sepulchre Filename : trdm01.bsp Author : Daniel "Trebz" Nolan Email Address : Dan478082@aol.com Visit the Twisted Matrix site at http://farcron.telefragged.com its a TC that I'm working on. Description : First Deathmatch level for Quake 2. Additional thanks to : id Software, for Quake, and Quake 2 Yahn W. Bernier, for BSP Also thanks to Danimal for inspiration from his level "Guns and Ammo" The guys at Twisted Matrix for their talents and encouragement. ================================================================ ---------------Play Information---------- Level Name : Sepulchre Quake2 DM 2-4 players : Yes, but a little big, it can get boring. Quake2 DM 5-16 players : Pretty good although dont overdo it Quake2 DM teamplay 4on4 : This is what the level is aimed for, It also works especially well with the eraser bots with 4on4. Comments : This level was started as a level for a RA2 multi-arena level I was making, but because I like it so much I've decided to release it as a sole DM level for all those non-RA fans out there ;) ---------------Construction--------------- Base : Nuthin Build Time : 20 hour or so. ------------------------------------------ Editor(s) used : BSP v0.93b, plus a little search and replace with Notepad Known Bugs : brush count goes up a bit in some places, but not enough to cause worry. ---------------Legal Stuff---------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation, or sell it in ANY way, shape or form. Contact me to arrange something to the contrary. ----INSTALLATION---- Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of baseq2 called maps, (ie c:\quake2\baseq2\maps) Then run quake2. Go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key (~), and type in "map trdm01". -------------------- Please email me with any suggestions for playability or any other comments.