=============================================================== Title: Tread Date: November 30, 1998 File name: tread.bsp Author: Derek Heidmeier (warchild777) E-mail: derekhd@bigfoot.com Homepage: www.bigfoot.com/~derekhd Description: -deathmatch level for 2-4 players 6 respawn locations ================================================================ *Play Information* Single Player: exploring i guess Deathmatch: ya, 6 respawn locations Co-operative: if you're really bored *Construction* Base: New map Editor used: Qoole 2.5 Known bugs: not that i could find Build time: too bloody long Textures used: waste and a bunch more Compiling machine: P200 with 64 megs ram QBSP: i dunno QVIS: " QRAD: " Brushes: " Entities: " *Other info* No BFG or hyperblaster Might be kinda slow on anything less than a p2 machine with a Voodoo card due to a large outdoor area being the main focus of the map. Mail me with your comments. They are welcome. *Copyright Crap* Do not use this level for commercial purposes unless requested and permission is given from me. Distribute as much as you want over the net...for free! *Thanks* id software for Wolf 3D, Doom, Doom2, Quake and Quake2 John Carmack for making the best damn engines out there