Wolf3D, the hidden nazis baracks An Quake2 map for Deathmatch by Neto (cnrnv@guate.net, cnv1@yahoo.com) ============================================================================ Description: A little deathmatch level inspired in the classic game, Wolfenstein 3D. File Name: The file is "Pak3.pak", it has the textures, map and music of Wolfeinstein. Map Name: The map is "Wolf3D". NOTE: This map has the original textures and music from de original game. I did it for 2 to 4 players and no cooperative mode. Other junk: This is my first Quake2 map release, based on an old Wolf3D game that I played time ago. It's really simple. Editors used: QuArk & Wolfedit. ============================================================================ Unzip Wolf3D.zip in Quake2\baseq2 directory. Start Quake2 in a deathmatch play, at the console and type: MAP WOLF3D. E-mail me for any comment about this map. Enjoy!!