================================================================ Quake 2 level ================================================================ Title : Another Fucking Waste Theme! Filename : wolfendm3.bsp Authors : Jason Spencer A.K.A. |WolfeN| Email Address : wolfen@planetquake.com Homepage : http://www.planetquake.com/ravage Misc. Author Info : I just run the Ravages of Radiant site. Credits : Once again thanks to Robert Duffy for Radiant, and all the support he gives me and his users. Thanks to Kron for the feedback and server for play testing any maps we ever make and inspiration even if my maps do suck =) Level Description : Yet another 72 hour map job. I started this just for fun and it just kinda came out. I feel its better then my last two maps in many ways but also on the downside in a couple as well. All in all though its a fun map, and thats what counts to me ;) Dont expect anymore of these waste themes outta me. I only did two of them (Ravage, and this) but the theme has allready been killed in my opinion. Next DM will be a different texture set, you can count on that. Previous levels : Quake2: Sizzle Fry (wolfendm1.zip) Quake2: Ravage (wolfendm2.zip or wolfendm22.zip) ================================================================ ** Play Information ** Episode and Level # : none Single Player : no (has a player start but kinda useless) Cooperative 2-4 Player : no Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (more then 2-4 of course) Difficulty Settings : no New Sounds : no New Graphics : no New Music : no Demos Replaced : none ** Construction ** Base : Ground up. Editor(s) used : QERadiant build 147 Known Bugs : Some one managed to see a little spot with HOM on the third floor. Not a major spot nor is it bad really. In a DM youd be running around so fast you prolly notice it for a split second if that. ** Copyright / Permissions ** Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and contact me first for permissions to do so.If you intend to use this level in any way (TC's, Mission Packs, CD's, Freebee's, etc.) please contact me first before doing so at wolfen@planetquake.com . Thank you. ** Where to get the original BSP ** To get the original bsp you gotta come to me. Otherwise ill post this on cdrom.com and probably my website at http://www.planetquake.com/ravage