================================================================ Title : Tech Edge File Name : x4dm1.bsp Author : Indrek Pärnamaa E-Mail : indrek@hinet.ee Homepage : http://www.hiiumaa.ee/~indrek/q2/ Description : Deathmatch level, 8 respawn points ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Boring Cooperative : What's that? Deathmatch : Yes Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : QERadiant, Qoole Known Bugs : Yeah, there are some. But I already wasted x4 more time for this than I was supposed to. Build Time : Way too long. Texture Wad used : Quake II textures Compile machine : Pentium2 300 128 RAM * Other Info * My only Q2 map. There surely won't be another one. Only reason I made it was this cool laser effect which is not used in any map I have seen so far. Level itself is based on Q2DM1. There are no weapons laying around. There are no medikits or armors even. Actually, only thing *laying around* is one grenade. Still, this doesn't mean there are no weapons. You just have to replicate them first. And don't be scared by lasers! :) Place this map in your drive:\quake2\baseq2\maps directory. * Copyright Notice * THIS LEVEL MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. IF YOU PAID IN ANY WAY TO GET THIS LEVEL, YOU ARE BEING RIPPED OFF!