(best viewed in 800x600+, maximized) =================================================================================== DATE: July 29, 1998 =================================================================================== Title : "On Sacred Ground" Files : sacred1.bsp sacred2.bsp sacred3.bsp jdsacred.txt Author : Jack Davis aka 13bongtokes Email Address : jackd104@primenet.com (icq 4272282) Date of release : 7/29/98 Description : Three map, single player Quake2 unit (with DeathMatch) for id Software's Quake2. =================================================================================== --ADDITIONAL CREDITS-- Playtesters: Doran Amos aka [FF]Chamber chamber@bigfoot.com Alex Williams aka Morbid morbidF@rocketmail.com Samiad samiad@cyberdude.com Richard Wilson aka Wilf n/a Ryan Plunkett n/a Prefabs used: Marine landing pod at beginning of sacred1.bsp by Robin Hermance-Moore - p-banshee@geocities.com file q2pod.zip "Cobra ACE" ceiling mounted turret at end of sacred1.bsp by EutecTic - jfgrol@cam.org file q2cturret.zip Visit the Quake Prefab Park II for these and other fine prefabs: http://www.planetquake.com/qpp/qpp2/ --THANKS GO TO-- id Software Robert Duffy for QERadiant - http://www.planetquake.com/qeradiant Ravages of Radiant - http://www.planetquake.com/ravage RUST - http://www.planetquake.com/rust Steven Boswell, the guru of vis - The playtesters, thanks a million guys! ========================================================================================= --PLAY INFORMATION-- Game : Quake2 (NOTE: you must have Quake2 v.3.15 or higher to play this unit, as of this release current version is 3.17) Level Names : "Outer Temple Complex" "Strogg Temple" "Jorg's Lair" Files : sacred1.bsp sacred2.bsp sacred3.bsp Single Player : YES Cooperative : YES (co-op starts provided, though nothing else specifically implemented for co-op play) DeathMatch : YES Considerable attention has been paid to the DM play of these maps, so for you bot freaks they should provide for some pretty good action. MAP # of PLAYERS sacred1.bsp 6-15 sacred2.bsp 5-12 sacred3.bsp 2-5 Difficulty Settings : YES (easy, medium, hard) * NOTE: The difficulty settings are slightly untraditional. Compared with the original id Quake 2 episodes, here's approx. where this unit stands: HARD - A couple of notches more difficult to accomodate the Quake 2 *fanatic* MEDIUM - Slightly more difficult than 'medium' on the orig. Q2 levels. Should provide a good challenge for average-above average Q2 players. EASY - About the same as the orig. Quake2 levels, to accomodate newbies (and lazy players:) Construction: Base : New Editor used : QERadiant by Robert Duffy Map info : sacred1.bsp - 2333 brushes, 988 entities sacred2.bsp - 1647 brushes, 756 entities sacred3.bsp - 286 brushes, 268 entities Platform used : P200mmx, 64MB Known bugs : None New sounds/textures/entities: NO ============================================================================================ --THE STORY/MISSION BRIEFING-- There is a new evil that threatens the sanctity of Earth . . . it's name is Jorg . . . a vile and evil beast, rumored to have been spawned from the depths of Hell itself. If Jorg and his minions are allowed to thrive, they will surely become powerful enough to decimate Earth. Jorg resides in his lair deep within a Strogg temple--an unholy temple of death where the Strogg practice thier hideous religion. While in his chamber, Jorg is invulnerable to attack . . . according to legend, only he who possesses the Sacred Crystal of Stroggos may release and destroy the dreaded Jorg . . . find that crystal, soldier--and frag that ungodly SOB before it is too late. Good luck. =========================================================================================== --LOADING INFORMATION-- Copy all three .bsp files to you quake2\baseq2\maps directory. If the \maps directory doesn't exist just create it. In the Q2 console, select your skill by typing: 'skill 0' = easy 'skill 1' = medium 'skill 2' = hard Then type 'map sacred1' Comments on this unit are welcomed and greatly appreciated. ============================================================================================ --LEGAL-- These Quake 2 levels (sacred1.bsp/sacred2.bsp/sacred3.bsp) are (c) 1998 Jack Davis. DO NOT put these levels on any sort of commercial product. You MAY distribute these BSPs through any other means, provided you include this .txt file (unaltered) and it is free of charge. Do not modify these BSPs.