August 22, 1998 ======================================================================== Title : Structural Mechanics Filename : pak0.pak (smd1.bsp, smd2.bsp) Author : David Hyde Email : Updates : Description : Structural Mechanics Division at the Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, MS. This is a map of my workplace, with a few extra traps thrown in. The monsters are real. This is a modification of a not-ready-for-prime-time map originally posted to in April '98. Story : While the Marines were off fighting on Stroggos, we had a few visitors here on Earth. The Strogg have taken over the Structural Mechanics Division (guardians of the free world), and captured their stores of new, high- performance binary explosives. Intelligence reports indicate the Strogg are conducting final tests on these explosives before distributing them to their field commanders for use against humanity. Your mission is to detonate all explosive testing devices within the SMD before the Strogg obtain useful performance data, and re-capture the explosive technical manuals and mixing instructions stored on a data cd. Of course, killing all Strogg would be a nice touch, too. Bugs/Problems : The work area of the building is too large and too detailed to be much fun on a software-only system, unless you have a hotrod CPU. It runs exceptionally well on a P300 w/256Mb and a Monster 3D II (duh), and pretty darn good on a P200/32Mb and a Monster 3D. I can't vouch for anything else. Installation : 1) Create a directory \smd below your Quake2 directory. 2) Unzip pak0.pak to the \quake2\smd directory. 3) Play by using the command line quake2.exe +set skill X +set game smd +map smd1 where X = 0, 1, or 2 Credits : Knifeswitch prefab modified from that found at BadMonkey Prefabs ( I have no idea who the original author is. Thanks to Matt (Tron) at 3D Gamer's Edge ( for posting a review of this map, for his sage advice and playtesting. Thanks also to Tony Ferrara for a thorough critique and many excellent suggestions. Other : All of the explosive devices and testing equipment depicted in the map are real, and are fairly accurate representations of the real thing. However, we perform the majority of our explosive tests at remote test sites rather than in-house, for obvious reasons. The exception to this is the large Blast Load Generator (the large cylinder on rails), in which we frequently detonate charges up to about 50 lbs. The only inaccuracy with the BLG is the exaggerated earthquake. This info is provided for those of you who might get the wrong impression that we are completely insane... no, we don't detonate large quantities of explosives just outside the restroom (usually). ======================================================================== Play Information ---------------- Single Player : Yes Difficulty Settings: Yes... 0,1,2