Quake 2 Modeller 0.8 -------------------- This is a Quake2 Model Editor. This will only run on Windows 95, or Windows NT 3.51 or above. A small Help file is included, but it is incomplete. Right now, it is a little unclear, with no pictures. I intend to fix this shortly. Send me some comments on how you would like the help file to be, and I'll probably do it. Short Feature List: ------------------- * Import/Export MDL, MD2 files. * Import .ASC files. * Copy/Pasting between models. * Full Skin Editing (works like a mesh editor, with selecting, rotating, scaling etc). * Load PCX files. * Save skin meshes to BMP format. * Wireframe view * Flat, and Texured view, both Z buffered * generate the Header files the (m_*.h files) for all you Quake 2 Developers, * Coordinate ouput window. This is REALLY useful. It outputs, the FrameName, the current co-oridnates, and the difference from the last set of co-oridantes. Super useful for doing the offsets for wach frame when doing the programming side for the models. eg. click on Tools|Memo Window, and a text window will appear. Move this to the side, and go back to the modeller. Move the mouse anywhere over the three 2D views, and push f9. The Current Frame, X, Y, Z, and the difference of the X,Y and Z coords since last time will be written to the winow. Just mark the text and copy it, or whatever. Important note: you can select multiple ascii files to import at one time. If you do, select them backwards. If the order doesn't look right, just play around with the selection order. Bugs ---- For this program to work correctly, run in 16-bit color mode. Tis will be fixed soonish. Any other bugs, let me know. I'll fix em for ya. Info ---- This is a work in progrss, and one that I do in my spare time. I don't regularly work on this, so no guarantee how often new version will come out. If you have any feedback, please email me. The more you tell me, the better the final product will be. Phillip Martin martinp1@topaz.cqu.edu.au Legal Info ---------- There are no legal restrictions on what you can do with or to this software. I am not liable if anything goes wrong with your computer while you're using this program. So if it does, tough luck.