Quake C powerpack This is a collection of codes... play with it and see what's new... i've written an online help. It lists the available impulses (no need for memorizing them now) just bind a key to "impulse 9" and run it to cycle through the pages. I have only added one weapon myself... it's the stinger bomb throw it in the water, wait 4 seconds and ZAP... if it's on the ground it just explodes The rest is just stuff my edited version of many other quake C patches... There are so many different codes so i haven't included any credits(i'm to lazy)... so if you recognize your code and wnat your name included here just email me... if you have any opinions (opions hehe) just email me... this is in no way bug checked... some things may not work in combination with another... it works on my single player on my computer... /Pangloss (weblook@mmv.se) btw just copy all the filez into a dir (C:\quake\dirname\) then run quake -game "dirname"