exploding backpack v.001 by foobar to play: unzip this into your v101qc directory, then execute your qcc program. make a directory under your quake directory called expak001 copy the progs.dat file that qcc generates into the quake\expak001 directory. type quake -game expak001 to play! in future versions: . variable explosion size/damage based on number of rockets in the backpack . write my own explosion code . re-write explosions so they look good look for Wolfenstein-TC Quake, by foobar and nullSoft soon. (as soon as we get a freakin' level editor! :)) to get ahold of me: mail adibble@indiana.edu or find foobar on IRC. I'm usually on #quake and #quakeed. I removed the backpack functions from items.qc so there aren't redeclarations.