Patch Name: JCTF Version: 0.0.2b Filename: jctfv2b Game: Qauke 1 Author: Jim "Death Knight" Ault Email: Beta Testers: Me Psykomouse Credits: ID Software for Qauke Threewave for the idea, kinda. ---------------------------------------------------------- Info: unified diff: ???? qc file: No, available via email progs.dat Yes Single Player: NO DeathMatch: YES COOP: NO Teamplay: YES ----------------------------------------------------------- Description: I made this mod after getting bored with regular Deathmatch, so I added a new twist, similiar to CTF. Each player starts in observer mode and then chooses a team. The players can then each hide their flags anywhere in the level. (this means no more custom levels). The only drawback to this system is that a player may be able to see where someone hides the flag. Scoring is 2 frags for a found flag, 5 frags for returning to yours. ------------------------------------------------------------ Features: -Backpacks hold the Flag, to avoid the posibility of apack ending up in lava, or somewhere inaccesable? if the player had a flag then the pack will respawn up at a random Spawnspot. -No custom levels -Ability to conceal the flag. -night-time CTF (Set temp1 to 666 and restart map) -ability to play 2 people with one flag (set teamplay to 2 and restart map) ------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs: -players can hold their flag forever. -platforms seem to "crush" the flag, and make it in accessible don't hide it under PLATFORMS!!! ------------------------------------------------------------- Future Plans: -Add a detect radius so the flags cannot be right next to each other. -timelimit for flags to be hidden. -Add support for more players(i haven't tested with more than 2) -add some sounds -add a grapling hook to make things interesting. -------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: this is still a beta version, this took me about a week so far including a restart from scratch. Please report any bugs or features you want to see. if anyone wants to help be my guest. -------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: 1.Install it(goto if you don't know how) 2.Start a multiplayer game w/ or w/out teamplay 3.Type make_observer in console to become an observer. 4a.Type make_red_team to be on red, type make_blue_team to be on blue 5a.Now find a good spot and type throw_flag -or- 4b. Type choose_hider to pick the person who will be hiding the flag 5b. Type hide_flag to hide the flag somewhere 6.Have fun for a while 7a. After each round(a complete capture)(7 points) both teams must re-hide their flags. 7b. After the flag has been captured in single flag mode the game "resets" and a new person can hide the flag --------------------------------------------------------------- if i forgot something, email me. * observer mode still doesn't work right. * when playing more than 2 ppl all players on each team will have flags, only one flag can exist though, all other players will see the "flag" icon lit up though. * you can still hide the flag in lava, but hen you can't score can you? * night time ctf is in this version, type "temp1 666" to use it. then restart the map for the changes to take effect. I will probably not be continuing this feature because i play with Glquake and the flashlighht idea doesn't work too well with it. If you play regular quake and want me to continue with it jsut email me, even if you are just one person i still work on it for you.(I Love this stuff) oh yeah, type "toggle_flashlight" in the console to use it, to disable it type temp1 "any # but 666" and then restart map. * In single flag mode the person who finds the flag gets 3 points, but the person who hid the flag gets 3 points for a kill.