// ****************************************************************** // PureCTF by Methabol 1998 // // http://methabol.solgames.se/purectf/ // http://ctf.solgames.se/ // methabol@hem.passagen.se // // ***************************************************************** Read purectf.html for complete documentation. Pure CTF -------- This ctfpatch is for those of us who like me still love qw and who prefer to play the original ctf. It doesn't have any "cute effects", gazillions of new runes, new weapons or other things that changes gameplay. What it do have is all the bugfixes Zoid never got around to and lots of useful features to simplify server configuration and setup of clanfights. Every new feature, and even some of the bufixes that might affect gameplay, are totally optional. This is intended to be the Pure Thing. Features -------- - Fully compatible with Threewave CTF, CTF Expansion pack and All-star CTF. - Dynamic Map conversion: This converts all the id maps on-the-fly by the QuakeC code! This means that you don't have to do the work of converting them when you set up a server and that you save 43 meg of HD space. As a bonus this means that all map bugs I've found (bogus teleporters, spawn spots in the ground, etc.) are fixed automatically. - Showdown Support: Ctf showdown is a competition mode intended to run on a public server where players can set up small games (2on2 or suchlike) by themselves without needing rcon. This version of showdown has more options and some improvements from the original ctf showdown by [LoRD]Tar. - Admin function: The admin functions helps to configure and administrate the server more easily. They include a lot of commands that's much easier to use than rcon , and some commands that does things you can't do as rcon such as swapping players or teams. Also, you can give people a special admin pass so you don't have to give the full rcon access. - Fixed a lot of bugs like the hookbug, discharge bug, the bug where the flag floats around after being dropped on an elevator and the crashbug with some teleporters. - Tossrune command. - Advanced Spectator tracking. Instead of just selecting a player to track you can track a flag, quad, penta, ring, rune, etc. - Enhanced MapQueue. Supports 3wave ctf, ctfep and allstar ctf. Use "Vote for episode", custom mapqueue or random maps, all configurable from server.cfg. - Simple competition mode with autoscreenshot, autodemos and score totals that remember disconnects. - Pingban patch. Automatically kicks anyone with a ping lower than the value the admin sets. - Disable powerups, runes, hook or discharges. - Clan Practice mode. - Features from qw2.0 : Glglow, dropquad/ring, etc. - Some of the "old" code optimized for better server performance. - All new features completely optional. Everything except MOTD is configured from the server.cfg so you can change them without restarting the server. - Bonus: Rljump CTF :) Quick Installation ------------------ - Unzip the pure ctf zip into your ctf server directory. Note: this will not replace your old server config or your motd file if you upgrade from an earlier version of Pure CTF, so you won'trisk losing any settings. - You DON'T have to convert the id maps to ctf any more. If you already done this, Pure CTF will recognize this, but you can safely remove them and save 43mb of HD space. - If you want to change the motd, rename motd_new.qc to motd.qc, edit it.and recompile. More about this in the html manual. - Rename the file purectf.cfg to server.cfg and change the settings you want. There's a lot of settings there, but you can leave most as they are. The important ones to change are: - The Server info section. Change all settings there to reflect your server. Remember to change the rcon_password! - The deathmatch setting in game rules. 1 is respawning weapons, 3 is static. - The mapqueue. Enter your favourite maps to cycle on the server. - Note: tossrune, dropquad, dropring, glglow and shirtlock are on by default. All these can be found in the Pure CTF features section. - You're ready to go! Check out the server modes and server settings sections in the manual for more configuration info.