====================================================================== Title : Quake C - Integrated Development Environment BETA Version : 0.79 BETA PRERELEASE to 0.80 Author : Matthias Reich E-mail address : matthias.reich@physik.uni-regensburg.de Description : A IDE for developing QuakeC Patches. - All you ever need for editing and switching between the various *.qc files of Quake - All standard editing functions like cut&paste, load, save, saveAs, search&replace, even a DOSShell ;) - Quick Access to all files collected in PROGS.SRC - easily add and remove files from the patch (import files from other patches, too) - sort your PROGS.SRC as you need - startup Quake without leaving the IDE - SYNTAX-HIGHLIGHTING ! Credits : id Software, for Quake Format : DOS Executable (DOS only atm) ====================================================================== For Preview's Sake just a few words to the new features: - Clone Window : meant for source reference. It scrolls just as your editing window. You cannot modify the file viewed, but move around, if you want to adapt to your current editing. - Syntax Highlighting : ATTENTION ! I made this pre-release to show you how nice a QuakeC file can look like. Right now I disabled saving to QIDE.CFG !!!! Because this is where I store all information about the colors. You can certainly change colors as you like. Just define a color, then all following lines contain the keys, that will be colorized. Take a look at the included QIDE.CFG and you'll get the clue :-) Next version (0.8) will include in-program color adjusting and saving to QIDE.CFG again. Overview of the Program : ------------------------- You can use the IDE just like any other editor. Standard FileMenu, standard EditMenu, SearchMenu, ... Open as many files as you like (ahem, just a sec... don't open files larger than 64k and don't open too many files, cause memory is still limited to low DOS, that means 640k :( ) The Options menu lets you change the videomode (actually the fontsize). Try which one suits you better. You can also change all paths to programs (quake, qcc) and your current patch and source directory. I added the Status Command to show you all set paths, cause only the patch directory is shown in the status line all the time. The QC-Patch menu gives you all the quakeC specific commands : Open all Sources (that are in your working directory's PROGS.SRC) at once, in one Window, easy to switch between by using a scrolling list box ... Start a new patch from scratch or from what lies in your source directory (if you chose to start from original sources, your progs.src and correspon- ding *.qc files are copied from source to patch dir and the Quakesource Edit Window is opened) Add a file to your patch, remove a file, import a file (any text file can be imported, will be saved as *.qc and an entry in the progs.src is made) Finally: compile your patch from the IDE. I didn't include a automated error checker yet or anything like that, so you have to find the errors (that QCC hopefully brings up) yourself. As the order of the QC-Files is of great importance (I forgot about that, but rediscovered it shortly after adding the compiler-link), you can now sort your progs.src hierarchy. I included a simple move up/down dialog, that should do the job. (Organize PROGS.SRC) And: Execute Quake with your current patch directory as '-game' parameter ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this Software is Mailware, so please mail, if you use it, that I get new hints what is really important, and to find all the bugs that are in the program. Right now I know of some bugs, but they are not really dangerous, as far as I know they even cannot cause data loss, BUT : DISCLAIMER : I cannot be held responsible for any damage this program might cause. Use it at your own risk. Known Bugs: I did NOT test all possibilities... I simply can't test all that can happen. So if you find bugs or something you think of it as a bug or a design problem, please tell me. Try to make a step-by-step explanation how to reproduce it and mail it to me. I included a heapview object, that shows you free heap memory. You can watch it become less and less. If it's near zero, quickly save your work, or you will lose it. This should be very seldom, but it's possible, if you open very many small editing windows. History: 10/03/96 - Initial Release 0.60 BETA 10/04/96 - fixed : Quake Source window now is tileable and does not block any Commands. Bug found : CloseAllWindows not working fixed : removed CloseAll from MenuOptions as it isn't just a small correction... if you feel like you need this option, please mail. added : more warning messages, if directories are not suitable fixed : current directory will only change on File|ChangeDir and change of working directory current source & working directory now shown in change dirs dialogs fixed : version number show 0.61 BETA added : heap viewer to show available memory, thereby found a bug fixed : some cosmetics, changed some colors fixed : heap memory being "eaten" by QSource window added : possibility to open more than one QScource window (in fact it had been there already, just not accessible because of a previous bug) NOT TESTET VERY WELL, so use with care 14/03/97 started working again I had to redo some things, cause some hd-crash (I moved my computer from home to a friend) destroyed (God be praised) only parts of my work. 15/03/97 removed : more than one QSource Window (see above) added : new menu (options and project now seperated) added : possibility to start new projects, open existing, change (import, add, delete files) projects added : Quake execution from within the IDE with -game option set to correct directory added : Switch font (lets you show more of one file at once) 16/03/97 - 18/03/97 various bugfixing, testing, implementing the new stuff correctly 19/03/97 added : QCC Link. now you can compile your patch and start it up. all from the IDE :) Soon after adding that, I found out that the order of the QC-Files is very important and that I had a totally shitty way of saving and loading the progs.src file. 20/03/97 fixed : Loading and saving of progs.src. (Now the List is ordered like the progs.src will be written) added : PROGS.SRC Browser dialog. Now you keep control of the order of your QC-Files. fixed : error while changing from an invalid source directory to a valid one corrected. thought : there are so many new features, there must be new bugs ok, let's make a release and let the users find them. so here you go ! 21/03/97 second release Version 0.71 BETA (!) 17/03/97 added : Clone Window to show your source in a second window for easy reference. Not being pleased with the method... 29/03/97 fixed : Clone Window completely redone, now it seems very ok to me, tell me if something strange happens ! 30/03/97 added : Syntax highlighting. Finally ! As it worked brilliantly (excluding multi-line comments) I chose to make a pre-release. Had no clue how to do that (the Draw method of the Editor is coded in assembler), until I found out how to modify the ready to write out buffer directly. Great. Please tell me if you notice speed problems. I don't think the code I produced is very fast, but if your computer can do Quake, it should be fast enough for this baby ;) Plans for future enhancements : - (very soon) Syntax Highlighting (once I'm a bit into QuakeC I will soon figure out most important keywords ... ) DONE ! (yeah, I just reworked the old readme :) - (soon) Make Use of the right mouse button, perhaps change your PROGS.SRC while Sources Window open - Error-Checking : Find programming errors soon. - enhanced Compiler Link ... Compile your PROGS.DAT from the IDE and see your errors in the corresponding files. - More Memory for even more files ... perhaps also bigger files (any help from experienced programmers appreciated !) - Perhaps user definable Colors... (BIG perhaps-> tends to NO) - once I got all the ideas included and bugs destroyed ... a Win32 version might follow ... some features will probably not be included until this version matthias Internet: matthias.reich@physik.uni-regensburg.de FIDO-Net : 2:2494/59.32