Poison Dart Gun v0.6 - Adds a poison dart gun : shoots darts which cause health to gradually drain. This patch was designed for deathmatch, it doesn't even work on monsters. It currently is a .qc only patch, i.e. no new gfx or sounds, for two reasons : 1) Only the server needs to have it this way, and 2) I don't do art. Eventually I hope to get someone who does .mdl's to make some for this (mail me if you'd like to help) but for now it looks like the nailgun, and the darts look just like nails (what a cooincidence!). It is not, however, just a simple replacement for the nailgun, but an entirely new weapon; both can be used in the same game. However, for now, picking up one means picking up both, and they (and the super nailgun) share ammo. More on this later. USING THE DARTGUN The dartgun is selected by pressing 4 with the nailgun selected, or by the console command impulse 12. The dartgun uses nails, but has a much lower rate of fire than the nailgun, and each dart does much less damage (3) than normal, but each dart delivers a dose of poison to whomever it hits. For every dart a player has taken, he/she has 2 points of health drained every few seconds. Picking up a health box removes one dart's worth of poison (in addition to its normal healing power) but can never fully cure a poisoned player (once poisoned, no matter how many health boxes you pick up you'll always take at least 2 points of damage every few seconds. Death by poison counts as a frag for the poisoner just like any other kill; if someone dies from poison after being hit by darts from multiple people (unlikely), the most recent poisoneer gets the frag. Eventually I hope to make and place throughout the levels dartguns and dart boxes separate from the nailguns and nails, for the dual purpose of making them separate weapons, and reducing the number of darts in play at a time (in large numbers they can be very powerful), but for now picking up the nailgun means picking up the nailgun/dartgun, a unified weapon which uses the same ammo for both functions, which I understand is quite unrealistic. Maybe it will help your suspension of disbelief/immersion if you think of the dart gun as just an enhanced nailgun which has a builtin, inexhaustible supply of poison which it can coat nails with before firing (which takes time, lowering the weapon's rate of fire.) That is, until I improve it. POISON/DAMAGE RESOLUTION As stated above, the posion damage is 2 points per dart per (approx) 4 seconds (quake seconds seem to be a little longer than real seconds). This figure, however, is open to debate. While developing this patch, I went on EFnet #quakeed and asked opinions, and received widely varied answers. Many people pointed out to me that there is a similar weapon in Hexen, which I have never played, but I couldn't get a straight answer on how exaclty the weapon worked in this game. Some people thought that there should be no cumulative effect of multiple darts, that you should be either poisoned or not. Others thought they should be cumulative, but not 1 for 1, i.e. 1 dart does 1 point, 2 darts do 1.5 points etc. etc. Other people suggested that the speed of the poison gradually increase (you're hit, 10 seconds later you get poison damage, then again 9 seconds later, then 8 seconds later.....) Other people suggested just the opposite. What's your opinion ? Mail me with suggestions (but please state whether you've played deathmatch with the patch as-is; your opinion is much more valuable to me if you've actually tried it.) CHANGES SINCE 0.6 No code changes at all, just separated out as much code as possible into dartgun.qc, to make it easier to combine with other patches. I'm trying to figure out how to distribute it in a diff type patch thing, but I've never had occasion to do so before, so bear with me, for now you'll have to either run the include progs.dat or combine the .qc's yourself. That's all I can think of right now. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to draw .mdls for the dartgun, darts, or ammo boxes, please mail me. Since I don't have a LAN to test this on, and this is the first released version, it might turn out not to work, or even to crash (unlikely) when used in an actual, > 1 player game. If it does, don't just delete it and move on to the next patch, *mail me* so I know to fix it. Oh, and, as usual, this patch is, of course, freeware. However, since I am running a 486/66 8mb system, I would, of course, greatly appreciate any donations you could give. Also, as usual, if this patch, through some sort of bizarre accident should cause your computer to explode, your hard disk to get formatted, your dog to die or your wife to leave you, I am not responsible. These are, of course, not likely to happen but if they do, it's your fault, not mine. Lunatik Kevin Bowen kevin_bowen@juno.com