---- Description This is a patch that modifies your rocket launcher so that it shoots those fireballs that the episode 1 boss shoots, only with a LOT more damage. It also modifies the zombie code so that you can kill crucified zombies, with extra gibbs of course... By the way, you better be a long way away when you launch one of these babies, they really do some damage. And they can really boost you up in the air if you use superjump or something similar, you'd better have god mode of if you want to try it though. ---- Installation Make a new directory in your quake directory, name it whatever you want, "fireball" preferrably. Copy progs.dat into it, and launch quake using the command line "quake -game fireball". (Put the name of the directory you created in place of 'fireball'.) ---- Compilation If you want to modify this and compile your own, do the following: (QCC required) Modify weapons.qc and/or zombie.qc to your liking... Make a dir inside the fireball dir, named "source" or something. Copy all the files from the "v101qc" dir inside the qcc dir, into the source dir. Now copy all the .qc files from my distribution into the source dir. Go into the source dir, then run qccdos from there. It should generate a progs.dat file in the previous dir. So in effect you should have a progs.dat file generated in the fireball directory. ---- Notes This is my first Quake modification... I know it sucks, but it's halfway decent. I stole the zombie patch from Vhold (author of the amazing homing missile patch). This is mainly because I wanted to be able to kill those damn annoying crucified zombies, and I had no idea how to do it. Thanks Vhold. You can reach me, Fruitbat, at .