The Official KOTP Thing v0.69 una cosa de Rectal Intruder (aka J.Thaddeus Toad) --- This Official KOTP Thing is just a pak full of lots of (over 50) new Quake sounds. It serves no useful purpose other than to amuse (or annoy). Well, OK, it's not entirely useless. The sounds are memorable, and therefore more easily distinguishable than the standard Quake sounds, so they do help you by making it easier to use sound cues to figure out what others are doing nearby and such. (This is actually quite helpful.) But that's not really the point. Any beneficial side effects are purely coincidental. The sole qualification for the inclusion of a sound in this pak is "stuff I like". I happen to like White Zombie, da Beatsie Boys, Devo, Faith No More, the Jerky Boys, and a buncha other music, movies (including my own), cartoons and rude noises. The sounds range from the extremely subtle to annoyingly in yo face. The sounds are optimized for Deathmatch play, since single player Quake is totally boring. The ones that exist will work fine in single player mode, but I haven't added any monster sounds or anything. I'm not going to catalog all the new sounds, partly because I don't want to give any lawyers any bright ideas and partly because I don't want to ruin the surprise, but mostly because I'm too lazy. Some are original sounds, and some are...not original sounds. Directions are in the zip file, but here's the short version: Just download the pak, make sure it's named pak2.pak and stick it in your id1 directory. If you already have a pak2.pak, make it pak3.pak. If you already have a pak3.pak, make it pak4.pak. And so on. Pretty simple. Visit the Official Keepers of the Probe Thing home page (URL listed above) if you have questions or comments. I'm currently working on about 10 more sounds and there will probably be more to come. If you are absolutely dying to get the latest sounds ASAP, let me know and I will inform you when the new pak comes out. Stay tuned for future releases, including the exciting new Swamp Sound. There ya go, Skippy, enjoy it. --- (c) 1997, Maximum Penetration Industries. Also visit the site of our Other Fine Thing, located at This Thing is a creation of AssFault, entitled QComm. It's a superior way to keep track of your QuakeWorlding friends. It's faster and easier to use than QSpy's buddy lis ts, but it is not bulletproof yet. AssFault would love to hear your comments.