================================================================ Title : IP Alias Utility Filename : ip_alias.zip Author : Rob Albin Date : 11 Jan 97 Thanks to : Id software, Disruptor, Tarok, Qspy, and everybody involved in bringing QW to the Internet. ================================================================ Compiler : BorlandC++ v3.1 Format: Binary - Yes (DOS executable) Source code - Yes Distribution and legal : Copyright (c) 1997 Robert Albin. This software may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and MAY be modified and used by other authors. Description ================================================================ This is a quick utility to take advantage of one of the best features of Qspy, sorted and filtered server lists. After you have an updated list in Qspy, 'edit -> copy' from the menu, and paste it into a .TXT file. (for sake of example: servers.txt). Let's say you have a qw sub-directory in Quake, and you put it here. (Make sure the text file is clean, with no extra lines, just as it came from the clipboard.) Copy ip_alias.exe to somewhere in your path, then from the qw subdirectory type: ip_alias servers It would take the file: servers.txt and make an output file: servers.cfg Here's what the files would look like (what this utility does) servers.txt (input file) ----------- 200 0 27500 AirQuake e2m1 3 of 16 203 0 27500 BastardWorld dm1 1 of 10 203 0 27500 DeathComp e4m3 0 of 8 . . . servers.cfg (output file) ----------- alias "s1n" "echo AirQuake" alias "s1" "s1n; connect" alias "s2n" "echo BastardWorld" alias "s2" "s2n; connect" alias "s3n" "echo DeathComp" alias "s3" "s3n; connect" . . . This utility just automates getting the database online in the console. Makes a LOT of aliases if it's a big list, of course :) The largest list I've used it on is 54 servers, so far. After launching qwcl, type 'exec servers.cfg' from the console, then it's s1n to print the hostname of server 1 s1 to print the hostname and connect s2n (etc.) s2 Use at your own risk, I'm not responsible if it destroys your computer. And the rest of it :) Just a 'hard-wired' sed/awk type of deal, anyway. Not much to it. Two file writes: ip_alias.ini (to the directory ip_alias.exe is in, usefull if the format of the Qspy list changes, possibly to use with other lists, if they have the required fields) .cfg (to the current directory)