QxAdmin v0.9 ------------------------------ Description ------------------------------ Using QxAdmin you can remotely controls QuakeWorld, Quake 2, Quake 3: Arena servers from a Win32 machine. It can be used, also, as a simple server public status program. The server can be on any kind of machine. At the time of this writing, servers exist for these platforms: Linux, Win32, MacOS, MacOS X. This program includes all the functions of qwadmin(the original, not DrDrain's one) and q2admin, I also wrote those. Source code is included, see the "Source code" section below. Please submit bugs reports, suggestions, flames(not too much) to: pierreandre_cote@yahoo.com Thanks to Barbat for his suggestions. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ Just Unzip the files in a directory of your choice. You better know how to do that. ------------------------------ Usage ------------------------------ 1- set the server address in the "Server address" box 2- set the server port in the "Port" box. If you didn't change it on your server you can leave this box empty: choosing the type (see below) will set the default port. Default port for QuakeWorld: 27500, Quake 2: 27910, Quake 3:Arena: 27960. 3- set the server type with radio buttons beside "Server type" If you don't know what kind of server it is you can check "Auto-detect" but that's very unlikely :) 4- Test if you can ping the server with the "Get public status" button. If the server does not respond check the previous three settings. 5- set the rcon password in the "rcon password" box. You should have set it in the server beforehand. In Quakeworld do something like this(in the server console): rcon_password "qxadminrules!". In Quake 2: set rcon_password "qxadminrules!" In Q3:Arena: set rconpassword "qxadminrules!" 6- Test if you have entered the right rcon password by using the "rcon status" button. If that worked(there's a normal "status" output in the remote console box), you are all set. If not, verify both rcon passwords on the server and in QxAdmin. + If the server port box is empty and you click one of the QuakeWorld, Quake 2, Quake 3 type buttons the default port is put in the port box. + You can edit console variables by double-clicking or right-clicking on their names. + You can send any normal commands, set variables, etc., in the bottom remote console entry box like you would do in a normal server console. You can press ENTER after you have entered the command to send it. + There's a 10 servers history and a 20 commands history. This history is saved in the "qxadmin.ini" file. No registry crap! ------------------------------ Source code ------------------------------ Included in this archive is the source code used to build QxAdmin, both for the main .exe(QxAdmin) and the server querying .dll(libqxadm). You can easily write a program using only the .dll and do whatever you want with the server reply. For example, it could be used to create a server pinger tool. Use your imagination! The source is in C++. The .dll is plain C++. The main .exe uses MFC. The projects files for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 are also included. You can look at "test.cpp" in the libqxadm directory for a mini example of what libqxadm can do. libqxadm can be compiled on unix systems(tested in Linux). ------------------------------ Copying ------------------------------ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.