.LMP & .PCX graphic file loader/saver TERMS OF USE: This program is provided as is. Use at your own risk. (There isn't any risk involved that I know of though...) This program is freeware... any attempt to pay me for this program without first getting my express written consent will result in a termination of your right to use this program. (I know I won't get any money anyway, might as well be 100% sure of it :) FEEDBACK: If you want to make suggestions/report bugs email me. (This isn't much of a project so I might not implement/fix everything.) John K. http://www.planetquake.com/deathmatch johnk@planetquake.com The TC++ source file is included in case anyone with more time than me wants to change/improve this program. USING: This program is simple to use. Not because of an easy interface, but because it doesn't do much :) It can either load a .lmp graphic file, convert a .lmp file to a .pcx file, or load up a .pcx file and save it as a .lmp file. When you start up the program, you'll be asked whether you want to view a lmp, convert .lmp->.pcx or .pcx->.lmp Viewing: Type the name of the .lmp you want to load, and it will load it up, as long as the file is in the current directory. (You'll need a .pak editor to extract the .lmps from one of the quake .paks.) If you get a black screen, then the file probably doesn't exist. PCX loading is done the same way. Hit any key after you've viewed the picture. LMP->PCX: First type the name of the .lmp you want to load, then the name of the .pcx you want to save it as. You'll see the .lmp flash on the screen. Hit a key to continue. You should now have a properly working .pcx file that you can load up and alter in a graphics program. (Paintshop Pro, Picture Publisher, etc.) PCX->LMP: First type the name of the .pcx you want to load, then the name of the .lmp you want to save it as. Magically, you will now have .lmp file that's the same as your .pcx file. The .pcx loader I wrote a bit quickly, so it won't work on images larger than 320x200, or images whose widths aren't a multiple of 4. This probably shouldn't matter though. The .lmp generated should work in Quake. To test it out: (example) copy the .lmps into quake\myname\gfx then type quake -game myname) PALETTE OPTIONS: When converting to lmp files, since .lmps must be in the Quake palette, this program will automatically convert any .pcx files into the Quake palette before making them lmps if you hit the E key. If your image is already in the Quake Palette, minor differences in brightness of the colors could alter it a bit, so you skip this feature. (Auto-convert also works with reading PCX files so you can preview them in the Quake Palette this way.) Also, if you hit the B key, full bright colors will be removed when changing the palette. While you wouldn't want to use this feature with .lmps, it can be useful removing fullbrights from textures. When converting a .pcx file into the Quake palette, it will save your old .pcx as "backup.pcx" (sans quotes, of course) so if you don't like what you see you can just quit and replace the .pcx with the backup. Example- copy backup.pcx oldname.pcx