Quake Mission Pack #2 - GL Level Patch August 27, 1997, Release 1.0 This patch will modify your Mission Pack 2 PAK0.PAK file to allow transparent water in GLQuake. To install, copy the ROGUEGL.EXE to your MP2 directory, which should be something like C:\QUAKE\ROGUE. Then run ROGUEGL.EXE. It will ask for the directory where the "current system" resides. Type in the directory where you have MP2 installed. The patch program will then update the PAK file in place. If something goes wrong or you want to revert back to the old pack file, just recopy the PAK0.PAK file off your original MP2 cd. This patch is not compatible with GLQuake version 0.94. Be sure to get the latest version of GLQuake, 0.95. Here's a link where you can find the latest. ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/idstuff/unsup/glq8_27.zip If you have problems with this patch program, you can contact support@rogue-ent.com. Enjoy! Rogue Entertainment