Scrambler! version 1.0 by SoulScythe All you QuakeC programmers out there (like me) put a lot of time and effort into your mods, aren't you tired of having people decompile them and screw whith them without your permission? Well, just stick "scram.exe" in the same directory as your progs.dat, and Scrambler! will render your progs.dat undecompilable (or whatever the word would be :). Yea! Um, it hasn't caused any problems with Quake Superheroes (shameless plug), but I guess it's conceivable that it COULD cause problems for you.... If Scrambler! does render your progs.dat inviable (i.e., it crashes Quake or something) please tell me so I can fix the problem. Oh, and I'm not like responsible if Scrambler! does anything bad, this is provided "as is" to the Quake community. It's free! You're all welcome :P email SoulScythe at: with bugs, complaints (thrown away), praises (kept forever), etc...