date: 19th of July 1998. quake deathmatch level ================================================= title: Sure Shot file: tigsure.bsp author: ]Tigger-oN[ email address: URL: description: fast dm level, good 1 on 1 ================================================ play information single player no cooperative: no skills 0,1,2,3: no Capture the Flag: no deathmatch: yes - good 1 on 1, and up to 6 ppl new sounds: no new graphics: yes - most from quake2 and others i've put together new music: no how to use: place the tigsure.bsp file in your quake/id1/maps folder (make one if you don't have one). start up a game as per usual at the console (press ~) type the following map tigsure.bsp (press enter) (press ~) (if people are in a dm game) changelevel tigsure.bsp (press enter) (press ~) ================================================ info i just think i'm addicted to level making. i cann't stop. ================================================ construction base: none editor: WorldCraft (1.6a) by Valve other progs: wqbsp (v1.65) - Ken Alverson (KenA@TSO.Cin.IX.Net) ArghLite 2.0 and q2towad by Tim Wright ( Newwad1.3 - (originally pcx2wad 0.98 by Daniel Gilliland); Modified by Christopher Wise know bugs: none build time: about 21 hours (~3 days) compile time: qbsp 47sec vis 225sec light 53sec (pII 300, 128 meg ram) any problems email me any inquiries email me any questions email me ================================================ tested with the following bot Omicron Bots (v1.02) - ================================================ thanx to.. Mr Fribbles for checking out the beta version :] ================================================ Distribution and legal: Copyright (c) 1998 ray, All rights reserved. Portions copyrighted by id Software, Inc. This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ================================================