% @LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Response.Expires = 0 ' no cache
Dim dtmTime, dtmLater, dtmDiff
dimTime = Time
DtmLater = DateAdd("h",1,dtmTime)
DtmDiff = DateDiff("h",Now,#1/1/2001#)
Greetings, it is now <%= dtmTime %>.
In one hour it will be <%= dtmLater %>.
If dtmDiff > 0 then
Response.write "Still " & dtmDiff & " hours until the real milinneum.
" & vbcrlf
Elseif dtmdiff < 0 then
Response.write "Already " & abs(dtmDiff) & " hours since the millnneum started.
" & vbcrlf
Response.write "The new millineum has just begun!
" & vbcrlf
end if