//Generated by Flare, do not change //For more info, contact Flare : flare666@geocities.com //Please change the "name" field, so you do not run around as me! //+-------------------------+ //| [GB] Will Rise Again! | //+-------------------------+ unbindall //Unbinds all keys : makes sure the keyboard is free for other bindings name Flare //This sets your name in the game hand 0 //Right handed shooting crosshair 1 //This sets the white X crosshair +mlook //This lets you look around with the mouse vid_gamma 0.4 //This is the brightness (gamma) setting sw_mode 1 //This is the resolution. Mine is set to 400x300 //Common Servers: set adr0 "" // Chico State Team Action Q2 set adr1 "guts.chesapeake.net" // Chesapeake AQ2 //Aliases (General)------------------------------->>> //Auto Crouch Alias alias crouch "bind a -crouch;+movedown;echo AutoCrouch On" alias -crouch "bind a crouch;-movedown;echo AutoCrouch Off" //Netgraph Alias alias netgraphpopup "netgraph 1; wait; echo Netgraph On; bind f netgraphoff;" alias netgraphoff "netgraph 0; wait; echo Netgraph Off; bind f netgraphpopup;" //Walk/Run Alias alias run "set cl_run 1; bind SHIFT walk; echo Movement set to Running" alias walk "set cl_run 0; bind SHIFT run; echo Movement set to Walking" //Single/Dual (Akimbo) Pistol Mode Alias alias single "use blaster; wait; echo Single Pistol; wait; bind 2 akimbo;" alias akimbo "use A 2nd Pistol; wait; echo Akimbo Pistols; wait; bind 2 single;" //Grenade Pull-and-Throw Alias alias prevweap "weapprev;" alias getgren "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade; wait; +attack; bind g throwgren; wait; bind 4 throwgren;" alias throwgren "-attack; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; weapprev; bind g getgren; wait; bind 4 getgren;" //Mouse Hijinx alias mousesniping "bind MOUSE2 weapon; wait; echo Mouse in Sniping Mode; wait; bind 6 mousenormal;" alias mousenormal "bind MOUSE2 reload; wait; echo Mouse in Normal Mode; wait; bind 6 mousesniping;" //Knife Switching alias knife "use Combat Knife; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; weapon;" //Nightvision Alias alias nightvisionon "vid_gamma 0.2; wait; echo Nightvision On; bind h nightvisionoff;" alias nightvisionoff "vid_gamma 0.4; wait; echo Nightvision Off; bind h nightvisionon;" //Score Alias alias showscore "score; wait; score; bind e hidescore;" alias hidescore "score; bind e showscore;" //General Keyboard Binds and Shit------------------>>> bind a "crouch" bind b "bandage; say_team Cover me, I'm Hit!; radio im_hit;" bind d "irvision" bind e "showscore" bind f "netgraphpopup" bind g "getgren" bind h "nightvisionon" bind q "drop weapon" bind r "reload" bind s "weapon" bind t "messagemode" bind v "reload" bind w "drop item" bind y "messagemode2" bind DEL "+lookdown" bind PGDN "+lookup" bind END "centerview" bind ALT "opendoor" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind F11 "menu_main" bind F12 "screenshot" //Other Keyboard Binds------------------------------>>> bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind TAB "inven" bind [ "invprev" bind ] "invnext" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind ENTER "invuse" //Keyboard Movement Binds--------------------------->>> bind c "+movedown" bind , "+moveleft" bind . "+moveright" bind / "+movedown" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind SHIFT "walk" bind UPARROW "+forward" bind DOWNARROW "+back" bind LEFTARROW "+left" bind RIGHTARROW "+right" //Keyboard Weapons Binds---------------------------->>> bind 1 "knife" bind 2 "single" bind 3 "use special" bind 4 "getgren" bind 5 "use Sniper Rifle" bind 6 "mousesniping" bind g "getgren" bind CTRL "+attack" //Binds for da Rodent------------------------------->>> bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "reload" //Communication Binds------------------------------->>> bind T "messagemode" bind Y "messagemode2" bind m "say_team Where is the Enemy?" bind n "say_team Roger" bind * "radio taking_f; wait; say_team Taking fire!" bind KP_UPARROW "radio forward; wait; say_team Forward!" bind KP_DOWNARROW "radio back; wait; say_team Back!" bind KP_LEFTARROW "radio left; wait; say_team Left!" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "radio right; wait; say_team Right!" bind KP_HOME "radio enemyd; wait; say_team Enemy Down!" bind KP_PGUP "radio teamdown; wait; say_team Teammate Down!" bind KP_5 "radio enemys; wait; say_team Enemy Spotted!" bind KP_END "radio im_hit; wait; say_team I'm Hit!" bind KP_PGDN "radio cover; wait; say_team Cover Me!" bind KP_INS "radio treport; wait; say_team Team Report In! Where are ya guys?" bind KP_DEL "radio reportin; wait; say_team I'm Still Fragging!" bind KP_ENTER "radio 10; wait; radio 4; wait; say_team Roger!" bind INS "radio up; wait; say_team Up!" bind HOME "radio down; wait; say_team Down!" bind PGUP "radio go; wait; say_team Go!" bind 7 "wave 0" bind 8 "wave 1" bind 9 "wave 2" bind 0 "wave 3" bind - "wave 4" bind F1 "radio 1" bind F2 "radio 2" bind F3 "radio 3" bind F4 "radio 4" bind F5 "radio 5" bind F6 "radio 6" bind F7 "radio 7" bind F8 "radio 8" bind F9 "radio 9" bind F10 "radio 0" //Partnering Stuff bind o "partner" bind p "deny; say_team Sorry" alias comswitch1 "channel 0; wait; echo Entire Team Communications; wait; bind i comswitch2;" alias comswitch2 "channel 1; wait; echo Partner to Partner Communications; wait; bind i comswitch1;" bind i "comswitch1" //Communication Help Alias!------------------------->>> //Tells Commands... alias com1 "echo * = Taking Fire; wait; bind PAUSE com2;" bind PAUSE com1 alias com1 "echo KeyPad Home = Enemy Down; wait; bind PAUSE com2;" alias com2 "echo KeyPad Page Up = Teammate Down; wait; bind PAUSE com3;" alias com3 "echo KeyPad 5 = Enemy Spotted; wait; bind PAUSE com4;" alias com4 "echo KeyPad End = I'm Hit; wait; bind PAUSE com5;" alias com5 "echo KeyPad Page Down = Cover Me!; wait; bind PAUSE com6" alias com6 "echo KeyPad Insert = Team Report In; wait; bind PAUSE com7;" alias com7 "echo KeyPad Delete = Reporting In; wait; bind PAUSE com8;" alias com8 "echo KeyPad Enter = Roger; wait; bind PAUSE com9;" alias com9 "echo PageUp = Go; wait; bind PAUSE com1;" //Server Version 1.5 Commands----------------------->>> alias +newserver "bind 7 say_team I'm hit! Down to %H health!; bind 8 say_team Go Ahead %T! I will provide COVER FIRE!; bind 9 say_team Cover Me %T! I'm Going In!;" alias -newserver "bind 7 wave 0; bind 8 wave 1; bind 9 wave 2;" bind u "+newserver" //Thats all folks! //Happy Fragging!